
The Objects nodes role is to contain lists of objects and collections which are used by the Mesh nodes input sockets. Objects nodes can be chained together and the node itself will continue to expand as objects are added, allowing for any number and combination of objects.

Some objects have additional options that can be set once they are added. This is where Cages and UV Maps are configured.

  1. Filter: Selects what object types will be shown in the search boxes and starts with all types enabled.

  2. Collections: Toggles between selecting objects or collections. The node can contain a mixture of both, but can only search for one or the other.

Note: If an object is contained in both a selected collection and specifically listed, the specific listing will take preference. It is also possible to list the same object multiple times with different settings (UV Map and/or Cage), in which case it will be evaluated multiple times.

  1. Cage: When the selected object can support a cage (‘MESH’ type objects), this button will appear at the end of its row. Toggling the button will enable using a cage for that object when baking (if using a cage makes sense for the bake). The cage object must have the same number of vertex as the original after all modifiers are taken into account. On click it will automatically search for and select an object that has the same name as the original plus a spacing character follow by ‘cage’ (Eg. cube.cage).

  2. UV Map: Allows selection of a specific UV Map to use for the object. This option only appears when the object is able to support multiple maps (Currently that is ‘MESH’ type objects). When left blank or disabled the currently active map is used. Removing or renaming the referenced map on the object will break the reference and must be manually updated before baking can start.

  3. Recursive Selection: When the selected item is a collection this option will appear. Enabling it will cause any and all sub collections of the primary selection to also be included.

  4. Add Selected: Clicking this button will add all currently selected objects to the node, respecting the current filter. Duplicate items will not be added unless SHIFT is held while clicking. It is not possible to add collections in this way.